
CultureNet is a two-year multidisciplinary program designed for students interested in examining contemporary culture with a focus on how people interact with technology.

The rapid introduction of new technologies is making us rethink how we communicate and share knowledge.  What impact does this have on society? How is it reshaping our economy, politics, citizenship, education, the arts and culture?  These questions are at the heart of CultureNet – Capilano University’s Associate of Arts Degree in Culture and Technology.

Each term, CultureNet students take three core courses as a group and a CultureNet (CNET) seminar where they explore contemporary and historical issues related to the production and distribution of culture (including film, music, and new media), information and knowledge through hands-on workshops and guest lecturers (such as David Repa – FreeGeek coordinator – and Michael Tippett – founder of NowPublic).

CultureNet: A Snapshot

  • two-year interdisciplinary program in the Arts and Social Sciences
  • integrated course work in Anthropology, Art History, Communications, Computing Science, English, Geography, Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology
  • thematic focus: culture and technology/contemporary culture
  • small discussion-based classes
  • complete first two-years of an undergraduate degree

While in the program, CultureNet students are challenged to participate in current debates on the relationship between culture, technology and education while exploring future career and/or study options with the assistance of faculty and guest lecturers active in the arts, culture industries, education, information technology and new media.

3 responses to “About

  1. I enjoyed reading your review of “The Subtle Celestial” though I didn’t see where that work is available. Based on your review, I think you might be interested in my poem(s) “Night Scopes for the Sky” which begins near the top of website (blog) shown above.

    Dennis Roth

  2. Hi,
    I’m a student in the Interactive Design program at cap. It is very strange that our two programs are not more connected. I am about to graduate but I know a lot of students who would be interested in collaboration. Send me a message and I can make the connection.

    Love the site BTW.


    • Aurelea

      Hi Tayber,

      Thank you for the thumbs up on the site!

      Fantastic to hear from you.  We have been in conversation with Brent Calvert about exploring possible ways to collaborate in the future (ideally next Fall) but it would be interesting to get student feedback on what sorts of collaboration opportunities would appeal.

      Feel free to contact me directly via my Capilano email: amahood@capilanou.ca

      Cheers, Aurelea.

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